Between Lies Page 16
Maddie opened the large bag she was carrying on her shoulder. She pulled out an assortment of scissors, combs, and tubes, laying them neatly on my desk. “I borrowed some stuff from my mom. Don’t worry about a thing, Sadie. It’s all professional grade and I promise I know what I’m doing. We’ll fix you up in no time!” Pulling out a large cloth, she shook it out and motioned for me to sit down. Once I was situated, she fastened it around my neck. “So, lowlights?” When I nodded, she gave a low hum of approval and started mixing the contents of several tubes together in a bowl. When I saw the violet shade they created, my stomach clenched.
“Um, that’s purple.”
“I know, silly. But it won’t come out like that. Relax. Trust me. Harper, show her the dress. I fixed it up like we talked about, and it came out really good, I think.”
Harper unzipped a second bag I hadn’t even noticed and pulled the dress out. I couldn’t believe it. It was like a completely different garment. Maddie had removed the ruffled straps, leaving it strapless. In fact, all the ruffles seemed to be gone and it wasn’t the same shade of bubblegum pink I remembered. I looked closer and saw why. A thin film of silver fabric had been sewn over the original material, muting the pink to a delicate shimmery hue. With the ruffles gone, you could see the fitted waistline, and from there, it flowed smoothly to the floor in a soft cascade.
“Wow!” I reached a finger out to touch it. “Maddie, I… I can’t even. It looks nothing like the atrocity you first showed me!”
Molly had been silent up until now, but even she looked impressed. “You made this?” she asked, looking questioningly at Maddie.
“Not made, exactly. The original dress was a nightmare. Ruffles everywhere. It looked like someone had thrown up curdled Pepto- Bismol. I did a little tweaking, though, and added that silver to soften the color. I don’t think it turned out half bad.”
Molly gazed at her with a new appreciation. “It’s not half bad at all. Girl, you got skills.” They smiled at each other, and I felt physically lighter. Harper gave me another little wink and I sighed.
But the peace was soon shattered. Maddie was busy applying the color and wrapping sections of hair in foil when she dropped the bomb. “It’s too bad most of the dress will be covered with the mum.”
Molly and I looked at each other in confusion. “Mum?” I thought of the flower and wondering how that could possibly ruin a dress.
All motion stopped. This time it was Harper and Maddie who exchanged a look. Delicately, Harper asked, “You don’t know what a Homecoming mum is?”
I had a familiar surge of nerves as I saw her stifle a worried expression. “Should I know what a Homecoming mum is?” My voice came out a half pitch higher than normal.
Harper took a breath and Maddie remained uncharacteristically quiet.
“Harper.” I tried to keep my voice calm. “What are you not telling me?”
“Well…” She paused, appearing to choose her words carefully. “There’s a tradition in Texas. It’s a pretty big deal.”
“And, you may not like it.”
“Harper,” I warned.
She charged ahead like ripping off a Band-Aid. “It’s tradition that your escort to Homecoming give you a mum. It’s a flower with some ribbons, charms, and other special little things that you wear on your dress. Like a corsage. Only bigger. And it’s in our school colors.”
Maddie muffled a laugh.
“Okaaay.” My heart fluttered. “That doesn’t sound so bad.”
I couldn’t decipher Harper’s expression, but Maddie decided to take over.
“It’s a lot bigger. Like, ruh-diculous big. Harper is understating it.”
I tried to imagine what she’d described but came up short. “So, like, it’s a flower and ribbons? What am I missing?”
Molly had been busy on her phone. She let out a loud gasp, drawing my attention. “Oh. My. God.”
“Oh my God!” And then she started laughing.
But she couldn’t answer. She was laughing so hard, it had turned silent. She struggled to breathe, her face turning bright red with the effort. And still, she laughed. I grabbed the phone from her, determined to see what was so funny. At first, I couldn’t even tell what I was looking at. It was a girl. That much I could see. But only her head and a little bit of her feet were visible. The rest of her body was covered with a monstrosity of colors, lights, and glitter. I stared, my head refusing to link what I was seeing with what Harper and Maddie had described. This wasn’t a flower with ribbons and charms. This was an abomination. How does she sit down? How does she even walk?
Molly was still laughing and I couldn’t completely fault her. No doubt she was picturing the garish thing on me and knowing how clumsy I was on a good day, realized this was a literal health hazard. Harper wouldn’t meet my eyes and Maddie was busily working on the hair color, her customary chitchat stifled. I looked wildly between all three, my horror clear as day.
“I can’t…” I tried to get words out, but all I could manage was a sputter here and there. I tried again. “This… what are… why?”
Nobody answered. The only sound was Molly’s choking as she tried to get a grip on herself. I was too numb to even get irritated with her. There was a part of me that wanted to laugh, too. I mean, what else could I possibly do?
“So, yeah, they’re kind of horrible, but you have to do it, Sadie. All of the Court will be wearing them. It’d look pretty weird if you didn’t.” Harper’s reasoning was sound and I couldn’t argue with it no matter how much I wanted to resist. If I was serious about trying my best to win the title, I had no choice but to go along with tradition despite how utterly ridiculous I thought it was. Suddenly, I had another thought.
“You said my escort gives it to me?”
“Yep,” replied Maddie cheerfully.
“Who am I going to get to be my escort?”
I thought of Kade. Was it against the rules to bring a nonschool escort? Would he even want to go? Did I want him to go? A few weeks ago the answer would be obvious. Now, though, things were so complicated and awkward. We hadn’t even spoken since the night in the park. I’d been avoiding his calls and he hadn’t bothered to show up in person, which I was actually grateful for. The truth was, I was far more interested in what Cam and I were experiencing. At the thought of him, my body grew warm and I replayed our kiss in my mind. He went to the school…
“What about Cam?” Molly had finally recovered enough to talk. “I mean, I know y’all have that love-hate thing going on, which is actually kinda hot. Why don’t you ask him?”
That was exactly where my mind had been headed, but would he want to do it? “I don’t know, Molly. He isn’t the suit type.”
“Tuxedo,” Maddie corrected.
“Okay, tuxedo type. His main staple is ripped jeans. I doubt he’d be interested.”
I could tell Harper was trying to keep her own enthusiasm in check by the way she squinted at me. “I wouldn’t be so quick to rule it out. From the way you two looked last night, I’d be willing to bet he’d do pretty much anything you asked him to.”
We exchanged a long look while I thought about it. I suspected she might be right, but the thought of potential rejection, especially from Cam, made me want to ball up in a corner. I’d never be able to face him again if he said no.
“Okay, I’m setting a timer for thirty minutes to give the color time to set. Then we’ll wash and cut it,” Maddie announced.
“Since we have time, maybe you should call him now. You know, get it over with.”
I groaned at Molly’s suggestion. I needed time to work up to it and I certainly didn’t want them listening as I stumbled through asking him. But I could tell none of them had any intention of letting me wiggle out of it or leaving the room to give me privacy. Deciding I didn’t want to argue about it, I held my hand out for my phone.
“Maybe I could just text him…”
“Would you want to be texted with something as big as this?”
I heaved a deep, gusty sigh. “No,” I said glumly. My stomach rolled. Maybe he wouldn’t answer. Maybe I could leave a message. With that hopeful thought, I clicked his name in my contacts list and listened as it rang. After three rings, I began to breathe easier, prepared to leave him a message that I wanted to talk at school tomorrow. But suddenly he picked up, his voice breathless.
I swallowed a lump of fear and tried to find my voice.
“Sadie? Is that you?”
“Y-yes. Hi. Um, hi.” My voice sounded strained and I mentally chastised myself. A double hi? Seriously? Molly rolled her eyes at me and I heard Maddie stifle a giggle. Dammit.
His warm chuckle flooded my ear. “Hi and hi to you, too.”
I hesitated, not sure what to say next. An image of his lips flashed before my eyes and I got lost for a second. His questioning voice brought me back to reality.
“You still there?”
“Oh, um, yes. Sorry. I… I thought I heard someone knocking on my door. I’m here.”
“Cool. What’s up?”
“Well, I called to ask you something.” I glanced to the girls for help. Molly was too busy making kissy faces at me to be of any use, but Harper had a sympathetic look on her face. She mouthed something to me that I couldn’t quite make out. Deciding to take my chances, I shook my head at her and turned away so my back was facing all three of them. I took a steadying breath and forged ahead. “Well, you know I’m running for Homecoming queen.”
“I’m told I need an escort for the ceremony and stuff…” I trailed off, fear taking over for a minute. I swallowed hard. “Um, I was wondering… if you wouldn’t mind… um, being my escort?” I held my breath, waiting for laughter or worse, pity. Dammit, why did I let them talk me into this?
He didn’t say anything for a heartbeat and my face flamed. He was going to reject me. Oh God, why did I do this? Why did I think he’d be interested in this? Oh God, oh God. Right when I thought maybe he’d hung up or something, he spoke.
“Seriously? You want me to be your escort?” He sounded… incredulous, and I didn’t understand.
“I mean, you don’t have to. I just thought I’d ask.” Hang up, Sadie. Say good-bye and hang up.
But his next words surprised me. “I’m glad you asked.”
“You are?” I turned back around and was greeted with smiles and thumbs-ups. Molly was doing a crazy dance, still making kissy faces.
“Yes. I’d love to be your escort.”
Slightly giddy, I asked, “You know you have to wear a tuxedo, right?” I wanted to make sure he understood what he was getting into, but he laughed.
“Yeah, I know the drill.”
I whooshed out a breath. “I’m so glad. I mean, you know… I’m… glad.” What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I talking like a moron?
“I’m glad you’re glad.”
I grinned like an idiot. “Oh, well, I’m glad… I mean, okay.” Oh God, shut up! Embarrassed at my sudden lack of communication skills, I hurried to end the call while it was still on a good note. “Um, I guess we can talk about the details at school tomorrow?”
“Yeah, sure. That’ll be good.”
“Great! Okay… um, I guess I’ll see you then.”
“Yes, Sadie. You’ll definitely see me.” His tone grew husky, and heat flooded my body at the subtle implication. I gasped slightly, trying to get more air, and he laughed softly. “Good night, Sadie.”
“Ah, good night, Cam.”
I hung up and stared at the wall, lost in memories of his lean body and the way he had smelled when I was close to him yesterday. It seemed like a lifetime ago and I had to remind myself it had only been hours.
“I’m so glad you asked him!” Molly had finally stopped acting silly and was zinging an impish grin my way.
“Oh, shut up. I got nervous.”
She giggled as Harper smoothly cut in. “You did good.”
Maddie beamed at me and glanced at the timer. “Oh, time to check your hair!” She peeked through the foil on my head and made an “mmm” sound of approval. “Looking good, looking good! Let’s wash and get your new do rocking.” I followed her into my bathroom and stuck my head under the sink. As she massaged shampoo into my hair, my body relaxed. What was it about someone else washing your hair that always felt so good? I closed my eyes and lost myself to her magical fingers, daydreaming about Cam. I hummed softly to myself and then it hit me. I was happy! Even with all the lies and secrets surrounding my life, one kiss and an awkward conversation with him had lifted my spirits considerably. I was excited about him being my escort. Glad that I’d asked. And for the first time, it was extraordinarily clear I wasn’t heartbroken over Kade. Which meant it was time to tell him it was officially over between us.
When Maddie finished washing my hair, we went back to my desk. “Are you ready?” She had her scissors poised. I took a last look at what was left of my long locks and nodded.
“Yeah, I’m ready.”
For the next ten minutes, she snipped and combed, working her way from left to right. Harper had thoughtfully laid some towels down on the carpet to catch the pieces as they fell. My head gradually became lighter as more and more hair floated to the floor. I squeezed my eyes shut, too afraid to watch.
Finally, she pulled my hair dryer out and plugged it in. It didn’t take long to dry what was left. The warm air felt weird on my bare neck and my fingers itched to cover it up. I waited impatiently as Maddie flicked my hair this way and that, putting the final touches to it.
“There. We’re done. It looks awesome!”
I reached up and felt around. It was so short. Tears threatened to spill over, but I blinked them back. I was being a baby. It was only hair. I looked at Molly, knowing I’d get the truth from her. She was smiling and I was a little more reassured.
“You really pull it off,” she said, an approving tone in her voice.
Very carefully, I turned around and stared at myself in the mirror. I almost didn’t recognize the person reflected in the glass. The lowlights brought a depth to the color, giving off hints of caramel that mixed with the blond in a beautiful swirl. Maddie had cut long layers so that it swung a little when I moved my head.
“I didn’t have to cut as short as I originally thought. And this way, you can put some product in it and funk it up a little, too. You know, give it that messy, cool look.” She was almost bouncing with excitement. “Do you like it?”
I could barely tear my eyes away from my reflection. “I do.” And I meant it. The transformation was amazing. I looked a little more mature, a little more sophisticated. I wondered what Cam would think and little tingles went up and down my spine. I got up and hugged her. “Thank you, Maddie. I love it. I really do. You’re a miracle worker.”
She hugged me back. “You’re welcome. It was fun! And you made it easy. You’re so pretty. Not just anyone can pull off this look.”
They helped me clean up before leaving. Harper hung my dress in the closet and I admired it once again. Only a few more weeks until I’d be wearing it. I refused to think about the mum. Maybe I could request something smaller and more tasteful from Cam. When everyone was ready, I walked them to the door. One more round of hugs and they were gone. I dragged myself back up the stairs and fell into bed, not even bothering to change into pajamas. I was exhausted but rather content, and it wasn’t long before my eyes were drifting closed.
Chapter Fifteen
“Mom is going all out,” Cam said as we walked to his locker. “She’s excited about this.”
My heart dropped, but I tried not to show it. We had one week left until Homecoming and the excitement at school was reaching epic proportions. It was all anyone talked about, with most of the focus on the football game and election for queen. My new look had sent ricochets of talk around the student body. I’d never received so many compli
ments, which Angie and Kitty had both done their best to downplay. They’d been stomping around the school, glaring at me in between fake smiles and overly cheerful conversation. I reveled in their misery.
“Like, how big are we talking?” I was scared to ask, scared to sound ungrateful, but all I could imagine was the picture I’d seen on Molly’s phone.
He paused. “Well, I know you wanted something pretty small, and I tried to tell her that, but she kind of pooh-poohed the idea. She’s convinced it needs to be as big as possible so everyone will know how school spirited you are.”
“But I’m not. I don’t even want to be running! It was an accident.” I hung my head a little. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to sound ungrateful. I just… I’m kind of clumsy and I can totally see me tripping in front of everyone.”
He leaned down to whisper in my ear. “I’m not going to let you fall. And you’re not being ungrateful. You’re nervous and I get it. I’ll try to tell her again to tone it down.”
His breath tickled my ear and goose bumps popped up all over my arms. I sighed, overwhelmed with how sweet he was being. “No, don’t do that. It’s okay. As long as you promise you won’t let anything humiliating happen to me.”
“Well, that’s a tall order, but I think I can manage it.” His joking made me laugh and several heads turned our way. I’d already heard people talking about us being a couple and I felt a twinge of pride even though we hadn’t defined our relationship yet. Cam was keeping his word to trust me, but I still hadn’t found the courage to talk to Kade. With that complication looming over us, we hadn’t officially declared ourselves as dating, but it was nice to see the jealousy on people’s faces. He may not be the most popular guy in school or one of the jocks, but he was gorgeous and every girl in school would admit that. His bad boy image only added to his attraction.